Shelf Life and Storage

Shelf Life and Storage:

  • Same-Day Consumption: For optimal freshness, bagels are best enjoyed on the day of delivery.
  • If consuming the next day, store bagels in a plastic bag at room temperature to maintain their texture and flavor. Bagels stored at room temperature are best consumed within 24 hours of delivery.
  • Longer-Term Storage: If bagels will not be consumed within 24 hours, they can be stored in the freezer to preserve freshness. Place bagels in a freezer-safe bag and freeze them for up to 2 weeks. To enjoy, simply thaw at room temperature or toast directly from frozen. If ordering a dozen and you want half in a freezer bag for long term storage, let me know via DM or text 917-494-3454 and I will accommodate.
  • Avoid Refrigeration: We recommend avoiding refrigeration, as it can cause bagels to stale more quickly.


Freezing the bagels is the best way to keep them for the long term. I personally do this. I usually slice them and put them into a freezer Ziploc bag (the kind with the zipper). I can access one half at a time and put that into the toaster oven. Sometimes I nuke it first for 15 seconds first and then pop them into the toaster oven.

From a plastic bag

If you received our bagels in a plastic sealed pouch and it's been a few days, let the bagels sit out in room temperature for a few minutes or longer. Slice them in half and put them into your toaster or toaster oven. Or slice them in half and freeze them.

From hard state

Even if the bagel has been sitting out of a bag and has become as hard as a boulder in JTNP, there's a way to revive it. Pre-heat your oven to 350 degrees. Submerge the bagel in warm water or under running warm water for few minutes. Loosely wrap the bagel in aluminum foil and bake for 5 minutes or to your liking.